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How to Give

There are many ways to make a gift to St. Francis High School

The Office of Institutional Advancement is ready to work with donors to fashion the most beneficial gift for the donor, the donor's family, and for St. Francis High School. Gifts to SFHS are income-tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law. The gift vehicles outlined below represent donor opportunities to support our students and our school. We invite you to consider the following options:

List of 5 items.

  • A Gift of Cash

    A gift of cash is the easiest and most common way to support St. Francis High School. There are a number of ways to make your gift: Call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (630) 668-5800 x 1220 and charge your credit card via the phone. Send a check (made out to St. Francis High School ) or credit card gift through the mail. Print and complete the Annual Giving Donation Card and mail it to:

    St. Francis High School
    Office of Institutional Advancement 
    2130 West Roosevelt Road
    Wheaton, IL 60187

    You may make a gift to St. Francis High School that suits your budget. You may direct us to set up a schedule for payment by check and we will bill you monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
  • A Gift of Securities

    A donor that owns appreciated securities can benefit in two ways by making a gift of securities. First, they are able to claim a charitable income tax deduction for the full value of the shares, and second, they are able to avoid the capital gains tax that would have been due if they sold the shares. When making a gift of securities, it is important you arrange for a direct transfer of your securities to St. Francis High School and not sell them yourself. Contact our Office of Institutional Advancement for more information.

    The instructions to wire securities to the St. Francis High School account are:
    DTC Instructions
    DTCC #0075 (LPL Financial)
    For further credit to: Account Number 3172-1746
    For further credit to: St Francis High School; EIN 36-2373448
    Please contact Ron Darin, Director of Finance & Operations, to notify him of your gift. Please include the following information:
    • Donor name and address
    • Name of security being transferred
    • Number of shares
    • Date of transfer
    Ron Darin
    (630) 668-5800 x1138
    Tim Drechsel of Wintrust Investments can also answer any questions should you need assistance with the donation process.
    Tim Drechsel
    Financial Advisor, Vice President
    Wintrust Investments
    (630) 545-0962 direct
  • Matching Gifts

    A matching gift by your company or organization extends your generosity by adding the matching amount to your own gift at no additional expense to you.

    It is easy to make a matching gift. Simply contact your Human Resources Department and inquire about your company's matching employee donations policy. Follow the procedure they recommend and designate St. Francis High School as your gift recipient.
  • Memorial or Tribute Mass Card

    Your gift to St. Francis High School may be made in memory or in honor of someone. To obtain a memorial or tribute Mass card, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (630) 668-5800 x 1129 or click here to order online. 
  • A Gift of Real Estate

    Real estate can be contributed to St. Francis High School, entitling the donor to an income tax deduction based on the current, appraised value. In addition, the donor also avoids a potential capital gains tax on the property. Our Office of Institutional Advancement can help with this transfer. It is advisable to consult with your attorney and accountants prior to making this type of gift.

St. Francis High School