Student Life

Faith & Service

Like Saint Francis of Assisi, at St. Francis High School we seek to follow the footsteps of Jesus—working to change the world by loving God and loving others.

The Pastoral Ministry Department is an integral part of our school’s mission to educate hearts, minds, and spirits. Our goal is to provide every student with opportunities for spiritual growth. We recognize and honor the diversity of experience that exists in our community. Everyone—regardless of faith tradition—is invited to participate in the spiritual life of the school. Our ministry opportunities are uniquely Catholic, grounded in the Franciscan Spiritual Tradition and inspired by the life and charism of Saint Francis of Assisi.

List of 4 items.

  • Christian Service

    Serving others is an essential part of the SFHS experience. We believe that God calls us to the place where our gifts and the world’s needs meet.  
    Saint Francis found God—and discovered his own meaning and purpose—in “the path of descent.” By humbling himself to care for people who the world said were not worthy of attention or respect, Francis lived Jesus’ command to love our neighbors. Like our patron, we reach out to feed the hungry, welcome strangers, provide for the vulnerable and those in need, and walk with people who are excluded and marginalized.  
    SFHS students are asked to perform a minimum of 15 hours of Christian service each year as part of their academic requirements.  
    In partnership with local organizations dedicated to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Pastoral Ministry Department provides our students with dozens of service opportunities where they can experience self-discovery, growth, and a deepening faith.  
  • Liturgies & Prayer

    We offer celebratory all-school liturgies every month, as well as Tuesday morning Mass and Thursday afternoon reconciliation. We take time for prayer and reflection opportunities every day and throughout each season of the year, including adoration services inspired by the writings of Saint Francis and Saint Clare. Students work with adults in the building to lead all of our liturgical ministries including music, hospitality, extraordinary ministers of communion, and altar servers.  
  • Pastoral Care

    From the classroom to the stage to the athletic field and beyond, the Pastoral Ministry Department works to provide our students with experiences and opportunities for spiritual growth across the full range of interests and activities here at SFHS. By listening deeply and walking with our students on their journey, we hope to guide them to an understanding of God’s call and God’s work in their lives.  
  • Retreats

    SFHS retreat experiences give students time to truly seek wisdom away from the daily obligations of their academic, co-curricular, and social lives. Our retreats support students from all religious and cultural backgrounds, inviting them to center themselves in God’s loving presence. Retreats help students to nurture relationships with one another and form their own personal connection to the Catholic faith tradition.
     Freshman Retreat – Peace and All Good (one day) 
    This one-day retreat brings the entire Freshman class together for an experience of welcome and community building. Led by juniors and seniors on the Student Ministry Team, this retreat helps our newest Spartans feel at home on campus and begin to find their place. Students will nurture new, affirming relationships through icebreakers, activities, and small group conversations. The day includes an experience of Christian service at Feed My Starving Children.  
    Sophomore Retreat – The Body of Christ: Faithful, Strong, United (one day) 
    The scriptures tell us that though we are many, we are one in Christ. Sophomore students participate in an experience that focuses on their spiritual giftedness and growth as individuals and encourages them to come together as one school community. The retreat is led by the Student Ministry Team and Faculty. The day includes personal reflection and discussion sessions, team-building activities, and a keynote speaker.  
    Junior Retreat – Who is God and Who Am I? (two-day) 
    Saint Francis understood that knowing God helps us to know ourselves; at important moments in his life he would ask, “Who are you O God, and who am I?” Junior students participate in an overnight retreat experience with a chance to step back and reflect on how they encounter God, how they experience their faith, and who they are called to be. This retreat introduces a deeper experience of seeking wisdom and growth in community. It is led by our staff partners at LaSalle Manor and chaperoned by SFHS faculty and staff.  
    Kairos Retreat – In God’s Time (four-day) 
    Senior students are invited to participate in the four-day Kairos retreat, an opportunity to experience God’s friendship and enter “God’s time” together. Through a unique combination of prayer, conversation, and storytelling, this retreat helps students reflect on their own journeys and see the face of God in one another. After a dynamic four days together, students return to their lives with a new perspective. The retreat is facilitated by a team of senior students and SFHS faculty members.  


Every year, Pastoral Ministry enlists the help of a team of juniors and seniors to serve as leaders. Applications become available in the late winter and the process includes an essay, teacher evaluations, and an interview. Those who are selected attend an overnight training retreat in August, before helping to lead SFHS retreats, service programs, liturgies, and community events.

Upcoming Pastoral Ministry Events

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Michael Page

    Michael Page 

    Pastoral Ministry Department Chair
  • Photo of Kristen Ras

    Kristen Ras 

    Religion Department Chair/Teacher
  • Photo of Christine Paolella ’08 Dougherty

    Christine Paolella ’08 Dougherty 


St. Francis High School