SFHS retreat experiences give students time to truly seek wisdom away from the daily obligations of their academic, co-curricular, and social lives. Our retreats support students from all religious and cultural backgrounds, inviting them to center themselves in God’s loving presence. Retreats help students to nurture relationships with one another and form their own personal connection to the Catholic faith tradition.
Freshman Retreat – Peace and All Good (one day)
This one-day retreat brings the entire Freshman class together for an experience of welcome and community building. Led by juniors and seniors on the Student Ministry Team, this retreat helps our newest Spartans feel at home on campus and begin to find their place. Students will nurture new, affirming relationships through icebreakers, activities, and small group conversations. The day includes an experience of Christian service at Feed My Starving Children.
Sophomore Retreat – The Body of Christ: Faithful, Strong, United (one day)
The scriptures tell us that though we are many, we are one in Christ. Sophomore students participate in an experience that focuses on their spiritual giftedness and growth as individuals and encourages them to come together as one school community. The retreat is led by the Student Ministry Team and Faculty. The day includes personal reflection and discussion sessions, team-building activities, and a keynote speaker.
Junior Retreat – Who is God and Who Am I? (two-day)
Saint Francis understood that knowing God helps us to know ourselves; at important moments in his life he would ask, “Who are you O God, and who am I?” Junior students participate in an overnight retreat experience with a chance to step back and reflect on how they encounter God, how they experience their faith, and who they are called to be. This retreat introduces a deeper experience of seeking wisdom and growth in community. It is led by our staff partners at LaSalle Manor and chaperoned by SFHS faculty and staff.
Kairos Retreat – In God’s Time (four-day)
Senior students are invited to participate in the four-day Kairos retreat, an opportunity to experience God’s friendship and enter “God’s time” together. Through a unique combination of prayer, conversation, and storytelling, this retreat helps students reflect on their own journeys and see the face of God in one another. After a dynamic four days together, students return to their lives with a new perspective. The retreat is facilitated by a team of senior students and SFHS faculty members.