For the sixth consecutive year, St. Francis High School is a Microsoft Showcase School! Selected by Microsoft, Showcase Schools are an elite group that exemplifies the best of teaching and learning in the world today. This outstanding accomplishment is attributed to the efforts of our entire school community - administration, faculty, students, parents, and friends of SFHS. All have invested time, treasure, and effort into maximizing our use of Microsoft solutions.
SFHS is 1 of 42 schools in the U.S. and 1 of just 3 schools in Illinois to earn this designation.
As a Showcase School, SFHS will continue to work closely with Microsoft to lead innovation in education transformation and communicate an education transformation vision, enabled by technology, through a commitment to host and mentor other schools in the local community and around the globe.
“Our 1:1 program with Surface Pros not only prepares our students for college and careers but also more deeply engages them in the classroom,” said Jeff Gerdeman, SFHS Director of Information Technology.
In order to receive the Microsoft Showcase School designation, schools must:
Demonstrate thought leadership in building a schoolwide vision as the starting place for a holistic digital transformation using Microsoft’s Education Transformation Framework
Foster a culture of learning and growth mindset as evidenced by their commitment to creating sustainable change in teaching and learning practices through continuous and job-embedded professional development strategies
Drive personalized learning to meet the individual student’s academic, emotional, and social needs and help every student realize their full potential
Demonstrate innovative use of technology, using Microsoft solutions, to drive positive impact and student success with future-ready skills
Provide data-based guidance for education improvements and visibility into the progress toward the digital transformation vision.
We are thrilled to share this news and continued work with our school community. Congratulations to all!
SFHS is 1 of 42 schools in the U.S. and 1 of just 3 schools in Illinois to earn this designation.